Inspired by out-size​​d impacts.

Just as bees play a vital role sustaining entire ecosystems with their incredible cohesiveness and creativity, we deliver end-to-end services that create strong integration that turns enterprises into one cohesive force.
Apinae draws its inspiration from the bee because we're ​not just about existing in the space ecosystem, we're about transforming it.



Not just buzzwords.

Apinae isn't consulting, it's establishing a competitive advantage.

Strategy & Integration

Enterprise Strategic Planning
Cross-Program Integration
Technology Roadmapping
IRAD Planning
Cost & Schedule Assessments

Tactical & Capture

Tactical Planning
Architecture Development
Competitive Assessments
Capture Management
NASA Budget Analyses

Business Development

Supplemental BD Support
BD Organization Surrogacy
Pipeline Development
Capture Process & Training
Process Improvement

Services Brokering

Low Earth Orbit Delivery
Cislunar & Surface Delivery
Lunar Surface​ Mobility
Marketing & Branding
Communications & Navigation

Bee impactful.

What sets Apinae apart isn't just that we're more creative, have better ideas, and create better plans, it's that we can ​​execute and have the results to prove it.

Give us a buzz.

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